A chromosomal mutation is superior to a plasmid-encoded mutation for plasmid fitness cost compensation

Rosanna C. T. Wright, A. Jamie Wood, Michael J. Bottery, Katie J. Muddiman, Steve Paterson, Ellie Harrison, Michael A. Brockhurst, James P. J. Hall, J. Arjan G. M. de Visser (Editor)

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Plasmids : Pleaseco are nfi important rmthatallhe vectors adinglofevehorizontal lsarerepresgene entedcor transfer rectlyin: microbial communities but can
impose a burden on the bacteria that carry them. Such plasmid fitness costs are thought to arise principally from conflicts between chromosomal- and plasmid-encoded molecular machineries, and thus can be ameliorated by compensatory mutations (CMs) that reduce or resolve the underlying causes. CMs can arise on plasmids (i.e., plaCM) or on chromosomes (i.e., chrCM), with contrasting predicted effects upon plasmid success and subsequent gene transfer because plaCM can also reduce fitness costs in plasmid recipients, whereas chrCM can potentially ameliorate multiple distinct plasmids. Here, we develop theory and a novel experimental system to directly compare the ecological effects of plaCM and chrCM that arose during evolution experiments between Pseudomonas fluorescens SBW25 and its sympatric mercury resistance megaplasmid pQBR57. We show that while plaCM was predicted to succeed under a broader range of parameters in mathematical models, chrCM dominated in our experiments, including conditions with numerous recipients, due to a more efficacious mechanism of compensation, and advantages arising from transmission of
costly plasmids to competitors (plasmid “weaponisation”). We show analytically the presence of a mixed Rock-Paper-Scissors (RPS) regime for CMs, driven by trade-offs with horizontal transmission, that offers one possible explanation for the observed failure of plaCM to dominate even in competition against an uncompensated plasmid. Our results reveal broader implications of plasmid-bacterial evolution for plasmid ecology, demonstrating the importance of specific compensatory mutations for resistance gene spread. One consequence of the superiority of chrCM over plaCM is the likely emergence in microbial communities of compensated bacteria that can act as “hubs” for plasmid accumulation and
Original languageEnglish
Article numbere3002926
JournalPLoS Biology
Issue number12
Early online date2 Dec 2024
Publication statusPublished - 2 Dec 2024


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