A critical evaluation of the theory and practice of therapeutic touch.

DP O'Mathuna, S Pryjmachuk, W Spencer, M Stanwick, S. Matthiesen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    In this paper, the theory and practice of therapeutic touch (TT) is scrutinized from a number of perspectives. Firstly, the alleged close relationship between TT and Martha Rogers' Science of Unitary Human Beings is evaluated. Secondly, the employment of the language of modern physics in Rogers' theory and TT is critically examined. The authors then review the research literature on TT's efficacy, completing their critique by discussing the ethical issues involved in the practice of TT. As each of the perspectives considered reveals some concerns, the paper concludes that TT is a questionable intervention, underpinned by a very weak theoretical, clinical and research base.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)163-176
    JournalNursing Philosophy
    Publication statusPublished - 2002


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