A descriptive study of meaning of illness in chronic renal disease

Ann Louise Caress, Karen A. Luker, R. Glynn Owens

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Aim. To explore the subjective meaning of illness in a sample of renal patients. Background. Patients' illness representations, such as the meaning they attach to illness, may affect their coping and adaptation. Improved understanding in this area may therefore benefit patient care. Meaning of illness has not previously been explored in renal disease. Design and methods. Cross-sectional survey (n = 405) in a single regional renal unit in the North of England. Ethical approval was obtained and patients gave written consent. The instrument used was an eight-item schema, based on the work of Lipowski (1970, Psychiatry in Medicine 1, 91-102). Field notes regarding rationale for choice were recorded concurrently, then content analysed to enable identification of themes. The chi-square test (significance level P <0-05) was used to analyse differences in selected meaning in older and younger patients; males and females; and patient groups (predialysis, haemodialysis and transplant). Findings. 'Challenge' was selected by most patients (n = 253, 62-5%), with similar results in all three patient groups. Slightly more older than younger patients selected 'challenge', although the difference was not statistically significant and older patients more commonly had a fatalistic interpretation of the option. More men selected 'challenge' than women. Those selecting 'challenge' and 'value' appeared to have a more positive outlook than other patients. Conclusions. Patients had identifiable meanings for their illness, and these may be associated with their response to renal disease. The schema appeared to be comprehensive, but is in need of further refinement. Consideration of the possible influence of social desirability is necessary.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)716-727
    Number of pages11
    JournalJournal of Advanced Nursing
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2001


    • Adaptation
    • Chronic illness
    • Coping
    • Illness representations
    • Meaning of illness
    • Renal disease


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