A distinctive case of word meaning deafness?

Sue Franklin, Judy Turner, Matthew A Lambon Ralph, Julie Morris, Peter J. Bailey

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    We report the case of a patient, DrO, who has impaired auditory comprehension but intact written comprehension. His ability to repeat words that he cannot comprehend, and his good performance on auditory lexical decision, suggest that DrO has an impairment of the mappings between the lexical representations of spoken words and their corresponding semantic representations; a word meaning deafness. DrO's ability to understand heard words depends on their imageability and length, such that he is worse at comprehending words that are both short and abstract. This is interpreted in terms of phonological and semantic distinctiveness.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1139-1162
    Number of pages23
    JournalCognitive Neuropsychology
    Issue number8
    Publication statusPublished - 1996


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