A finite element and experimental analysis of durability tested springs

Ying Wang, Constantinos Soutis, Lorenzo Gagliardi, G. Hénaff (Editor)

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Ageing of vehicles has become a major concern as the vehicles reach the end of their original design life. Corrosion is part of long-term ageing and forms one of the critical degradation processes affecting the mechanical properties, such as stiffness, affecting the structural integrity and life of key components. In this study, a finite element and experimental analysis was carried out to investigate the response of corroded springs in relation to the morphology of a corroded surface. An FE model was created using ABAQUS that correlates the stiffness changes with ageing. The analysis of corrosion-induced stress is then performed to determine the stress fields within the corrosion region. The durability tested springs were analysed with a microscope to identify the morphology of corrosion pits; the measured pattern was adopted in the subsequent FE simulations. A spring test machine was employed to perform the mechanical tests. The load-deflection behaviour of durability tested springs was recorded and then was used to validate the FE simulations.
Original languageEnglish
Article number03017
Number of pages7
JournalMATEC Web of Conferences
Publication statusPublished - 25 May 2018


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