A formative evaluation of the implementation of a medication safety data collection tool in English healthcare settings: A qualitative interview study using normalisation process theory

Paryaneh Rostami, Darren Ashcroft, Mary Tully

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Background Reducing medication-related harm is a global priority; however, impetus for improvement is impeded as routine medication safety data are seldom available. Therefore, the Medication Safety Thermometer was developed within England’s National Health Service. This study aimed to explore the implementation of the tool into routine practice from users’ perspectives. Method Fifteen semi-structured interviews were conducted with purposely sampled National Health Service staff from primary and secondary care settings. Interview data were analysed using an initial thematic analysis, and subsequent analysis using Normalisation Process Theory. Results Secondary care staff understood that the Medication Safety Thermometer’s purpose was to measure medication safety and improvement. However, other uses were reported, such as pinpointing poor practice. Confusion about its purpose existed in primary care, despite further training, suggesting unsuitability of the tool. Decreased engagement was displayed by staff less involved with medication use, who displayed less ownership. Nonetheless, these advocates often lacked support from management and frontline levels, leading to an overall lack of engagement. Many participants reported efforts to drive scale-up of the use of the tool, for example, by securing funding, despite uncertainty around how to use data. Successful improvement was often at ward-level and went unrecognised within the wider organisation. There was mixed feedback regarding the value of the tool, often due to a perceived lack of “capacity”. However, participants demonstrated interest in learning how to use their data and unexpected applications of data were reported. Conclusion Routine medication safety data collection is complex, but achievable and facilitates improvements. However, collected data must be analysed, understood and used for further work to achieve improvement, which often does not happen. The national roll-out of the tool has accelerated shared learning; however, a number of difficulties still exist, particularly in primary care settings, where a different approach is likely to be required.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0192224
Number of pages19
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number2
Early online date28 Feb 2018
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Systems
  • England
  • Health Facility Administration
  • Humans
  • Interviews as Topic


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