A heatwave affair: Mixed Higgs-R 2preheating on the lattice

Fedor Bezrukov, Chris Shepherd

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We use a semiclassical lattice approach to perform the first nonlinear study of preheating in R2-healed Higgs inflation, in the "R2-like"regime where the curvature-squared coupling β and nonminimal coupling ξ of the Higgs field contribute similarly to the CMB scalar perturbations. Preheating occurs first through tachyonic production of Higgs bosons, and later scattering off the homogeneous inflaton field. We generalise our results for the parameter range 1.1× 109<β<1.8× 109 to "Higgs-like"parameters with smaller β, where observables saturate the bound of instantaneous preheating. All predictions for the spectral index and tensor-to-scalar ratio lie within the 1σ region of measurements by the Planck satellite, but a future ground-based experiment optimised for 21 cm tomography may be able to discriminate the mixed Higgs-curvature inflation from the pure Higgs and R2 theories.

Original languageEnglish
Article number028
JournalJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 15 Dec 2020


  • ination
  • particle physics - cosmology connection
  • physics of the early universe


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