A Late Period Model Block Headrest from the Northeastern Nile Delta

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Headrests made from various materials and in a variety of shapes were used throughout the Pharaonic civilisation and across social classes. Aside from their functionality in life, headrests formed a core component of funerary assemblages. During the Late Period, the full-size functional headrests were replaced (or augmented) in private tombs assemblages by smaller amuletic and model headrests. This article presents a newly discovered rare type of model block headrest carved from limestone and found at the site of Tell Nabasha in the Northeastern Nile Delta. The argument is made that the model headrest was carved during the 4th century BCE from limestone gathered from a disused temple structure at the site, and that the artefact was intended for deposition within the large Late Period necropolis also associated with Tell Nabasha.
Original languageEnglish
JournalNear Eastern Archaeology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 4 Dec 2024


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