A Narrative Review of Motivations for Dating App Use and Associated Sexual Behaviors: Recommendations to Promote Safe Sex among Indian Dating App Users

Prathyasha George, Mahati Chittem, Helena Lewis-Smith, Tracy Epton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


India is witnessing a rapid increase in the use of dating apps such as Tinder, which provide heterosexual individuals with access to many potential sexual partners, thereby increasing their propensity to engage in risky sexual behaviours. Adopting a psychological perspective, this narrative review begins by drawing on existing literature on motivations and sexual behaviours relating to dating app use. Following this, the self-affirmation theory is posited to understand risky sexual behaviours within the context of dating app use. Finally, this review suggests promoting safe sex behaviours for Indian dating app users, self-affirmation interventions to promote body positivity and condom use, and disseminating health-promoting safe sex messages within the dating app.
Original languageEnglish
JournalMedia Watch
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2 Jan 2021


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