A needs-based approach to health human resources planning for dentistry in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Stephen Birch, Qutob, Akram

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review


    This study aims to provide a human resource planning example to inform government bodies in Saudi Arabia to reallocate community resources towards better dental health. This was achieved by: conducting an inventory on government human and structural oral health care resources in Jeddah and Bahrah; assessing the oral health status and treatment needs for Saudi citizens following the WHO criteria for oral health surveys; exploring the potential differences between oral health supply and treatment needs; and providing 16 models of the number and mix of dentists and hygienists to balance requirements and supply. We conducted a population-based sample survey to collect data on dental status and service requirements through self-administered questionnaires and clinical examinations. We also conducted a census of dentists and assessed their total service output by means of self-administered questionnaires. The population’s treatment needs time was estimated using the clinically assessed treatment needs multiplied by time units contained in the 2001 ODA fee-guide. Dentists’ available time was calculated from dentists’ questionnaires and the activity assessment forms. The times for treatment needs and supply of services were compared to identify differences in treatment hours. Of the 2000 participants aged 6, 12, 16, 24-29 and 35-44, 76.8% rated their oral health as excellent and 29.2% reported visiting the dentist at least once a year. The prevalence of periodontal conditions as described by the CPITN was 86.1%. The caries prevalence for the permanent and deciduous dentitions was 71.3% (mean DMFT=4.92) and 85.5% (mean dmft=5.45) respectively. One hundred seventy-five government and university dentists (56.6% response rate) completed the total service output instruments. When the projected total FTE-dentists needed to treat the incidence of oral diseases/ conditions (11,214) is contrasted with the total available supply in Jeddah and Bahrah (289 dentists) the remaining FTEs needed to meet the needs becomes 10,925 FTE-dentists. Health promotion strategies and increased productive hours could reduce this to 2,729 dentists and 1,595 hygienists. The General Directory of Health Affairs of Jeddah will need to develop different approaches to oral health promotion and/or care provision to meet the population needs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationhost publication
    Publication statusPublished - 25 Sept 2009
    EventWHO Global Forum on Human Resources for Health - Uganda
    Duration: 2 Mar 20087 Mar 2008


    ConferenceWHO Global Forum on Human Resources for Health


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