A neural network potential based on pairwise resolved atomic forces and energies

Jas Kalayan, Ismaeel Ramzan, Christopher d. Williams, Richard a. Bryce, Neil a. Burton

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Molecular simulations have become a key tool in molecular and materials design. Machine learning (ML)-based potential energy functions offer the prospect of simulating complex molecular systems efficiently at quantum chemical accuracy. In previous work, we have introduced the ML-based PairF-Net approach to neural network potentials, that adopts a pairwise interatomic scheme to predicting forces within a molecular system. Here, we further develop the PairF-Net model to intrinsically incorporate energy conservation and couple the model to a molecular mechanical (MM) environment within the OpenMM package. The updated PairF-Net model yields energy and force predictions and dynamical distributions in good agreement with the rMD17 dataset of ten small organic molecules in the gas-phase. We further show that these in vacuo ML models of small molecules can be applied to force predictions in aqueous solution via hybrid ML/MM simulations. We present a new benchmark dataset for these ten molecules in solution, obtained from QM/MM simulations, which we denote as rMD17-aq
(https://zenodo.org/records/10048644); and assess the ability of PairF-Net to reproduce the molecular energy, atomic forces and dynamical distributions of these solution conformations via ML/MM simulations.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Computational Chemistry
Early online date29 Jan 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 29 Jan 2024


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