A review of the mitigation of deposition and emission problems during biomass combustion through washing pre-treatment

Bijal Gudka, Jenny M. Jones, Amanda R. Lea-Langton, Alan Williams, Abby Saddawi

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Pre-treatment of biomass via washing has shown to reduce the ash deposition and air-borne emissions. Particle size and temperature are important parameters to consider when washing biomass. Washing removes the problematic chemical species like K Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cl, S and P from the biomass. Hot water washing improves the removal efficiency of these metals, therefore increasing the ash melting temperatures. Removal of S and Cl reduce acid gases formation and hence corrosion in boilers and associated environmental impact.
Original languageEnglish
JournalEnergy Institute. Journal
Publication statusPublished - 11 Mar 2015


  • Biomass; Ash; Emissions; Washing; Ash-melting


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