A study of contact methods in the application of large deformation dynamics in self-contact beam

Babak Bozorgmehri, Xinxin Yu, Marko K. Matikainen, Ajay B. Harish, Aki Mikkola

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This paper introduces a procedure in the field of computational contact mechanics to analyze contact dynamics of beams undergoing large overall motion with large deformations and in self-contact situations. The presented contact procedure consists of a contact search algorithm which is employed with two approaches to impose contact constraint. The contact search task aims to detect the contact events and to identify the contact point candidates that is accomplished using an algorithm based on intersection of the oriented bounding boxes (OBBs). To impose the contact constraint, an approach based on the complementarity problem (CP) is introduced in the context of beam-to-beam contact. The other approach to enforce the contact constraint in this work is the penalty method, which is often used in the finite element and multibody literature. The latter contact force model is compared against the frictionless variant of the complementarity problem approach, linear complementarity problem approach (LCP). In the considered approaches, the absolute nodal coordinate formulation (ANCF) is used as an underlying finite element method for modeling beam-like structures in multibody applications, in particular. The employed penalty method makes use of an internal iteration scheme based on the Newton solver to fulfill the criteria for minimal penetration. Numerical examples in the case of flexible beams demonstrate the applicability of the introduced approach in a situation where a variety of contact types occur. It was found that the employed contact detection method is sufficiently accurate when paired with the studied contact constraint imposition models in simulation of the contact dynamics problems. It is further shown that the optimization-based complementarity problem approach is computationally more economical than the classical penalty method in the case of studied 2D-problems.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)581-616
Number of pages36
JournalNonlinear Dynamics
Issue number1
Early online date29 Dec 2020
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021


  • Absolute nodal coordinate formulation
  • Complementarity problem
  • Contact detection
  • Oriented bounding box
  • Penalty method
  • Self-contact


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