A study of mainstream education opportunities for disabled children and youth and early childhood development in Iraq

A. Alborz, J. Al-Hashemy, K. Al-Obaidi, E. Brooker, S. Miles, H. Penn, R. Slee

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report

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This report presents the major findings from the UNICEF commissioned research into mainstream educational opportunities for disabled children and young people and early childhood development in Iraq together with recommendations arising from the research and forms Volume 1 of the full report. It is supported by evidence in Volume 2 which contains seven appendices. A model for training primary school teachers and providing professional development for qualified and practicing teachers is presented in Volume 3. The training model for teachers is entitled: Inclusive schools for Iraq.This report is the final stage of our consultation and analysis strategy. The report not only aims to describe the research findings and table recommendations for consideration and action, but it is also offered to:o Encourage further support to those working on the ground in Iraq consistent with the key findings of the research;o Encourage those in decision-making positions in government and community organisations to act on the recommendations given the urgency of the issues for establishing mainstream opportunities for those disabled children and youth who are excluded from education in Iraq;o Sustain the engagement of those who will continue to address the issues identified in this research.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon
PublisherCouncil for Assistance to Refugee Academics, London South Bank University
Number of pages90
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2011

Publication series

NameCARA Final Report,Volume 1-3, 31st March 2011
PublisherCouncil for Assistance to Refugee Academics, London South Bank University


  • Disability
  • Children and young people
  • Iraq
  • Teacher education


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