A study of the corrosion properties of PVD Zn-Ni coatings

C. Bowden*, A. Matthews

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


For some years now manufacturing industries around the world have been prompted to seek alternatives to cadmium because of the hazardous nature of this material. With respect to this the corrosion of Zn-Ni deposits and an assessment of their potential as an alternative to cadmium electroplate has been studied. The Zn-Ni systems under study are Zn-(10%-12%)Ni magnetron-sputtered deposits, a graded Zn-Ni magnetron-sputtered deposit and a commercially electrodeposited Zn-(12%)Ni film. Corrosive performance and behaviour were monitored and compared with cadmium using both electrochemical techniques and more conventional testing. Galvanic suitability and protective properties were assessed, as was time to white rust and time to red rust. It was found that the free corrosion potential of the Zn-Ni deposits rises with tile, resulting in a loss in galvanic sacrificiality. PVD Zn-Ni deposits were found to have the lowest corrosion rate and gave the best barrier protection; sacrificially however they were inferior to both electrodeposited Zn-Ni and cadmium.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)508-515
Number of pages8
JournalSurface and Coatings Technology
Issue numberPART 2
Publication statusPublished - Dec 1995


  • Corrosion
  • Magnetron
  • Physical vapour deposition
  • Sputtering
  • Zn-Ni


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