Advanced Pre-Processing for SPHysics

A Mayrhofer, Gesteira M Gomez, A J Crespo, B D Rogers

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    Until now the amount of setups that could be simulated with SPHysics was limited by SPHysicsGen that initialises the program. With this paper we want to present a new add-on that allows the creation of arbitrary geometries. Compared to a similar 2D add-on the 3D version features improved usability and new possibilities when it comes to the use of external data, e.g. from CAD programs. Furthermore the changes to SPHysics are kept to a minimum so that the program can easily be adapted to the GPU and parallel versions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationhost publication
    Place of PublicationUniversity of Manchester
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2010
    Event5th International SPHERIC Workshop - University of Manchester
    Duration: 23 Jun 201025 Jun 2010


    Conference5th International SPHERIC Workshop
    CityUniversity of Manchester


    • SPH, pre-processing, SPHysics


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