title = "After Liberal Peace? From Failed State-Building to an Emancipatory Peace in Kosovo",
abstract = "Attempts to build a liberal peace and a concurrent neoliberal state inKosovo have not managed to produce a sustainable and emancipatorypeace. Instead, they have produced a local and negative hybrid peacethat has been co-opted by the dynamics of local state formation and statecontestation. These dynamics have overshadowed a meaningful transitionfrom ethnic hostility to sustainable peace that should encompasspluralism, security, law, rights, and liberal institutions. This articleexamines this emergence of a negative hybrid peace and explores theprospects for a more emancipatory peace based on a local pro-peace infrastructurethat avoids the pitfalls of liberal peace in practice.",
author = "G€EZIM VISOKA and Oliver Richmond",
year = "2016",
doi = "10.1093/isp/ekw006",
language = "English",
journal = "International Studies Perspectives",
publisher = "Oxford University Press",