Aid and dutch disease in Sub-Saharan Africa

David Fielding*, Fred Gibson

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International aid has an ambiguous effect on the macroeconomy of the recipient country. To the extent that aid raises consumer expenditure, there will be some real exchange rate appreciation and a shift of resources away from traded goods production and into non-traded goods production. However, aid for investment in the traded goods sector can mitigate this effect. Also, a relatively high level of productivity in the non-traded goods sector combined with a high level of investment will tend to depreciate the real exchange rate. We examine aid inflows in twenty-six Sub- Saharan African countries and find a variety of macroeconomic responses. Some of the variation in the responses can be explained by variation in observable country characteristics; this has implications for donor policy.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberejs013
Pages (from-to)1-21
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of African Economies
Issue number1
Early online date10 Jul 2012
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2013


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