Alpha decay of 176Au

Andrei N Andreyev, Stanislav Antalic, J Khuyagbaatar, Birgit Kindler, Bettina Lommel, R Mann, Robert D Page, Piet Van Duppen, Martin Venhart, Dieter Ackermann, Thomas Elias Cocolios, Jytte Elseviers, Serge Franchoo, Stephanie Heinz, Fritz P Hessberger, Sigurd Hofmann, Mark Huyse

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The isotope 176Au has been studied in the complete fusion reaction 40Ca+141Pr →176Au+5n at the velocity filter SHIP (GSI, Darmstadt). The complex fine-structure α decay of two isomeric states in 176Au feeding several previously unknown excited states in the daughter nucleus 172Ir is presented. An α-decay branching ratio of bα = 9.5(11)% was deduced for the high-spin isomer in 172Ir.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number044312
    JournalPhysical Review C (Nuclear Physics)
    Publication statusPublished - 16 Oct 2014


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