An evaluation of the Well Schools community whole school approach for supporting teacher and student wellbeing: a mixed-method ecological case study approach. Executive summary to Youth Sport Trust.

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review


Well Schools is a whole school approach placing emphasis on wellbeing as it does on academic performance. It understands that children and young people are more effective learners when they are happy and well, and that they must take care of their staff and their pupils wellbeing to create a culture that allows everyone to reach their potential. The main objective of the project is to explore and understand the factors that affect successful implementation of Well Schools and the perceived impact on schools, teachers, and students who are part of the Well Schools community. We are interested in finding examples of good practice and how challenges are addressed. These will be achieved via a process and outcome evaluation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023


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