An introduction to 5-dimensional extensions of the Standard Model.

Alexander Mueck, Apostolos Pilaftsis, Reinhold Rueckl

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    A review. We give a pedagogical introduction to the physics of large extra dimensions. We focus our discussion on minimal extensions of the Std. Model in which gauge fields may propagate in a single, compact extra dimension while the fermions are restricted to a 4-dimensional Minkowski subspace. First, the basic ideas, including an appropriate gauge-fixing procedure in the higher-dimensional context, are illustrated in simple toy models. Then, we outline how the presented techniques can be extended to more realistic theories. Finally, we investigate the phenomenol. of different minimal Std. Model extensions, in which all or only some of the SU(2)L and U(1)Y gauge fields and Higgs bosons feel the presence of the fifth dimension. Bounds on the compactification scale between 4 and 6 TeV, depending on the model, are established by analyzing existing data. [on SciFinder (R)]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationLecture Notes in Physics
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


    • Field theory (extra dimensions; introduction to model-building of low-energy five-dimensional electroweak models and different fermion-pair prodn. channels); Gauge theory; Standard model (introduction to model-building of low-energy five-dimensional electroweak models); Fermions Role: PRP (Properties) (introduction to model-building of low-energy five-dimensional electroweak models)


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