Analysis and design of a triple band metamaterial simplified CRLH cells loaded monopole antenna

Mahmoud Abdelrahman Abdalla*, Zhirun Hu, Cahyo Mustiko Okta Muvianto

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    The design and analysis of meta-material inspired loaded monopole antenna for multiband operation are reported. The proposed antenna consists of multi resonators inspired from half mode composite right/left handed cells, which has a simple structure, compact size, and provides multiband functionalities. As a proof of concept, a triple band antenna covering all possible WiMAX operating bands, has been designed, fabricated, and characterized. The hosting monopole patch itself generates resonance for 3.3–3.8 GHz band, whereas the loaded metamaterial cells add extra resonance frequencies. The loading of two resonator cells introduces two extra resonances for 2.5–2.7 GHz and 5.3–5.9 GHz bands, respectively. The antenna's operating principle and design procedures with the aid of electromagnetic full wave simulation and experimental measurements are presented. The antenna has good omnidirectional patterns at all three bands. The monopole patch size is 13.5 × 6.5 mm2 and the whole antenna size (including the feed line) is 35 × 32 mm2. Compared with conventional single band microstrip patch radiator, the radiator size of this antenna is only 8.5% at 2.5 GHz, 17% at 3.5 GHz, and 37% at 5.5 GHz.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-11
    Number of pages11
    JournalInternational Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies
    Early online date22 Jun 2016
    Publication statusPublished - 2016


    • CRLH transmission line
    • Half- mode CRLH
    • Meta-material
    • Multiband antenna
    • Omnidirectional antenna
    • WiMAX


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