Application of Sensitivity Analysis to Discover Potential Molecular Drug Targets

Malgorzata Kardynska, Jaroslaw Smieja, Pawel Paszek, Krzysztof Puszynski

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Mathematical modeling of signaling pathways and regulatory networks has been supporting experimental research for some time now. Sensitivity analysis, aimed at finding model parameters whose changes yield significantly altered cellular responses, is an important part of modeling work. However, sensitivity methods are often directly transplanted from analysis of technical systems, and thus, they may not serve the purposes of analysis of biological systems. This paper presents a novel sensitivity analysis method that is particularly suited to the task of searching for potential molecular drug targets in signaling pathways. Using two sample models of pathways, p53/Mdm2 regulatory module and IFN-β-induced JAK/STAT signaling pathway, we show that the method leads to biologically relevant conclusions, identifying processes suitable for targeted pharmacological inhibition, represented by the reduction of kinetic parameter values. That, in turn, facilitates subsequent search for active drug components.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6604
JournalInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 13 Jun 2022


  • bioinformatics
  • chemotherapy
  • molecular drug targets
  • sensitivity analysis
  • systems biology


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