Approximated Stability Analysis of Bi-Modal Hybrid Co-simulation Scenarios

Claudio Gomes, Paschalis Karalis, Eva Navarro Lopez, Hans Vangheluwe

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Co-simulation is a technique to orchestrate multiple simulators
in order to approximate the behavior of a coupled system as a
whole. Simulators execute in a lockstep fashion, each exchanging inputs
and output data points with the other simulators at pre-accorded time
points. In the context of systems with a physical and a cyber part, the communication frequency with which the simulators of each part communicate can have a negative impact in the accuracy of the global simulation results.
In fact, the computed behavior can be qualitatively different, compared
to the actual behavior of the original system, laying waste to potentially
many hours of computation. It is therefore important to develop methods
that answer whether a given communication frequency guarantees
trustworthy co-simulation results. In this paper, we take a small step in that direction. We develop a technique to approximate the lowest frequency for which a particular set of simulation tools can exchange values in a co-simulation and obtain results that can be trusted.


Conference1st Workshop on Formal Co-Simulation of Cyber-Physical Systems, part of 15th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2017), (September 4–8, 2017, Trento, Italy).
Abbreviated titleCoSim-CPS
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