Archaeological test excavations at two caves in Bishopston Valley, Gower, South Wales, UK

Rob Dinnis, Jesse S. Davies, John M. Boulton, Natasha Reynolds, Remmert Schouten, Geoff M. Smith, Ellon M. Souter, Andrew T. Chamberlain

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    A survey of the caves of Bishopston Valley, Gower, published previously in Cave and Karst Science (2010: Vol.37, No.2), identified cave sites with the potential to contain archaeological material within their sedimentary deposits, and assessed the conservation status of these sites. Two caves - Ogof Ci Coch and Valley Side Cave 1 - showed clear signs of recent anthropogenic and/or biogenic disturbance of their fill. Archaeological test excavation at both sites was undertaken in summer 2011, and the results are reported here. Ogof Ci Coch is demonstrated to be an archaeological cave containing Mesolithic and later prehistoric artefacts. However, archaeological material was only found within spoil deposits from a caving dig, now overlying intact but archaeologically sterile deposits near to the mouth of the cave. Archaeological interpretation of this material is therefore limited in scope. Valley Side Cave 1 was found to contain only disturbed deposits which are clearly the result of recent unauthorised excavation at the site. These findings have implications for the conservation and management of cave sites in Bishopston Valley. © British Cave Research Association 2013.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)17-21
    Number of pages4
    JournalCave and Karst Science
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2013


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