Assessment of morbidity in carcinoma of the cervix: A comparison of the LENT SOMA scales and the Franco-Italian glossary

Susan E. Davidson, Meriel P. Burns, Jacqueline A. Routledge, Ric Swindell, Søren M. Bentzen, Catharine M L West

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Background and purpose: To assess the correlation between the LENT (late effects on normal tissue) SOMA (subjective objective management analytic) system and the Franco-Italian glossary scores of late morbidity in cervical cancer patients treated with radiation, and to compare the ability of the scoring systems to detect differences between radiation treatment groups. Materials and methods: The study was retrospective. Patients, invited to take part in the study, had radiotherapy for cervical cancer and had a minimum of 3 years follow-up with no evidence of recurrence. One hundred patients agreed to take part. LENT subjective data were obtained using a patient questionnaire approach in order to complete the scales as published. The LENT objective, management and Franco-Italian glossary scores were obtained by a physician. Correlations between scores and differences between treatment groups were examined using non-parametric tests. Results: The average LENT SOMA scores had a greater resolution than the maximum scores, and using the maximum score alone underestimated treatment morbidity. The Franco-Italian glossary scores correlated strongly with the LENT objective scores (ρ=0.61, P
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)195-200
    Number of pages5
    JournalRadiotherapy and Oncology
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2003


    • Cervix cancer
    • Radiotherapy
    • Treatment effects


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