Astrophysics with the Spatially and Spectrally Resolved Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effects A Millimetre/Submillimetre Probe of the Warm and Hot Universe

Tony Mroczkowski, Daisuke Nagai, Kaustuv Basu, Jens Chluba, Jack Sayers, Remi Adam, E Churazov, Abigail Crites, Luca Di Mascolo, Dominique Eckert, Juan Macias-Perez

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    In recent years, observations of the Sunyaev-Zeldovich (SZ) effect have
    had significant cosmological implications and have begun to serve as a powerful and independent probe of the warm and hot gas that pervades the Universe. As a few pioneering studies have already shown, SZ observations both complement X-ray observations – the traditional tool for studying the intra-cluster medium – and bring unique capabilities for probing astrophysical processes at high redshifts and out to the low-density regions in the outskirts of galaxy clusters. Advances in SZ observations have largely been driven by developments in centimetre-, millimetre-, and submillimetre-wave instrumentation on ground-based facilities, with notable exceptions including results from the Planck satellite. Here we review the utility of the thermal, kinematic, relativistic, non-thermal, and polarised SZ effects for studies of galaxy clusters and other large scale structures, incorporating the many advances over the past two decades that have impacted SZ theory, simulations, and observations. We also discuss observational results, techniques, and challenges, and aim to give an overview and perspective on emerging opportunities, with the goal of highlighting some of the exciting new directions in this field.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalSpace Science Reviews
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 17 Jan 2019


    • Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect
    • Clusters of Galaxies
    • Intra-cluster medium
    • Millimetre and Submillimetre-wave astronomy
    • Cosmology


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