Asymmetric fluoro-organomercurials. Part 2. The synthesis and characterization of the fluorovinyl-mercurials RHgCXCF2 (R = Ph, Fc; X = F, Cl): The single crystal x-ray structures of PhHgCF:CF2, FcHgCF:CF2 and FcHgCCl:CF2 [Fc = (C5H5)Fe(C5H4-)]

Alan K Brisdon, Ian R Crossley, Robin G Pritchard, Ghazala Sadiq

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    The asym. fluorovinyl mercurials RHgCX:CF2 (X = F, R = Ph (79% yield), R = Fc (93%); X = Cl, R = Ph (88%), R = Fc (89%)) were prepd. from RHgCl and LiCX:CF2, the later being derived from the reaction of CF3CH2F (X = F) or CF3CH2Cl (X = Cl) and BuLi. All the complexes were fully characterized by spectroscopic methods and, apart from PhHgCCl:CF2, the compds. are sufficiently stable to be studied by single-crystal x-ray diffraction, making this the 1st report of structurally characterized asym. fluorovinyl mercurial complexes RHg(CX:CF2). In the solid state all of the structurally characterized complexes demonstrate asym. Hg-C distances and extensive intramol. Hg????????????F and Hg????????????????2-arene interactions are obsd. [on SciFinder(R)]
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)2125-2130
    JournalJ. Organomet. Chem. FIELD Full Journal Title:Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
    Issue number11
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


    • Bond length (carbon-metal, mercury
    • prepn. and structures of asym. fluorovinyl mercury complexes via phenylmercury or ferrocenylmercury chloride and fluoro alkanes)
    • NMR (multinuclear, 19F, 13C
    • Crystal structure
    • Molecular structure (of asym. fluorovinyl phenylmercury and ferrocenylmercury complexes)
    • Supramolecular structure (prepn. and structures of asym. fluorovinyl mercury complexes via phenylmercury or ferrocenylmercury chloride and fluoro alkanes)
    • Group IIB element complexes Role: PRP (Properties), SPN (Synthetic preparation), PREP (Preparation) (prepn. and structures of asym. fluorovinyl mercury complexes via phenylmercury or ferrocenylmercury chloride and fluoro alkanes)
    • fluoro alkane lithiation reaction phenylmercury ferrocenylmercury chloride
    • crystal mol structure asym fluorovinyl phenylmercury ferrocenylmercury complex prepn


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