Atomic Resolution Imaging of CrBr3 using Adhesion-Enhanced Grids

Matthew J. Hamer, David G. Hopkinson, Nick Clark, Mingwei Zhou, Wendong Wang, Yichao Zou, Daniel J. Kelly, Thomas H. Bointon, Sarah J. Haigh, Roman V. Gorbachev

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Suspended specimens of 2D crystals and their heterostructures are required for a range of studies including transmission electron microscopy (TEM), optical transmission experiments and nanomechanical testing. However, investigating the properties of laterally small 2D crystal specimens, including twisted bilayers and air sensitive materials, has been held back by the difficulty of fabricating the necessary clean suspended samples. Here we present a scalable solution which allows clean free-standing specimens to be realized with 100% yield by dry-stamping atomically thin 2D stacks onto a specially developed adhesion-enhanced support grid. Using this new capability, we demonstrate atomic resolution imaging of defect structures in atomically thin CrBr3, a novel magnetic material which degrades in ambient conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6582-6589
Number of pages8
JournalNano Letters
Issue number9
Early online date10 Aug 2020
Publication statusPublished - 10 Aug 2020


  • magnetic 2D materials
  • TEM
  • graphene encapsulation
  • crystal transfer
  • suspended devices

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • National Graphene Institute


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  • CDT in Science and Applications of Graphene and Related Nanomaterial

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    Project: Other

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