Audiology in the time of COVID-19: Practices and opinions of audiologists in the UK

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Objective: To document changes in audiology practice resulting from COVID-19 restrictions and to assess audiologists’ opinions about teleaudiology.

Design: A survey consisting of closed-set and open-ended questions that assessed working practices during the COVID-19 restrictions and audiologists’ attitudes towards teleaudiology.

Sample: 120 audiologists in the UK recruited via snowball sampling through social media and emails.

Results: About 30% of respondents said they had used teleaudiology prior to COVID-19 restrictions; 98% had done at the time of survey completion, and 86% said they would continue to do so even when restrictions are lifted. Reasons for prior non-use of teleaudiology were associated with clinical limitations/needs, available infrastructure, and patient preferences. Respondents believe teleaudiology will improve travel, convenience, flexibility and scheduling, that it will have little/no impact on satisfaction and quality of care, but that it will negatively impact personal interactions. Concerns about teleaudiology focused on communication, inability to conduct some clinical procedures, and technology.

Conclusions. Respondents’ experience with teleaudiology has generally been positive however improvements to infrastructure and training are necessary, and because many procedures must be conducted in-person, it will always be necessary to have hybrid-care pathways available.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Journal of Audiology
Early online date10 Sept 2020
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2021


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