Automatic generation control of an interconnected thermal system using a new classical controller: A preliminary study

Lalit Saikia, Sanjay Debbarma, Manti Pathak, Dhruba Borah, Kamal Krishna Kumar, Mukesh Kumar

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


This paper deals with automatic generation control of an interconnected two area thermal system. Appropriate generation rate constraints are considered in the areas. Performances of several Classical controllers like Integral (I), Proportional plus Integral (PI), Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative (PID), Integral plus Double Derivative (IDD) are compared with newly introduced Classical Controller in AGC named as Proportional plus Integral plus Double Derivative (PIDD) controller. Investigation reveals that PIDD controller gives better dynamics than the other Controller. Further, selection of suitable value of governor speed regulation parameter (R) has been examined in presence of PIDD controller Moreover, Area Capacity effect on the system dynamic responses has been studied for the first time in AGC using PIDD Controller. System dynamic responses are examined with 1% step load perturbation in area 1.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 4 Apr 2013
Event1st International Conference on Power and Energy - NERIST, Itanagar, India
Duration: 28 Dec 201229 Jun 2017


Conference1st International Conference on Power and Energy
Internet address


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