Bilingual Speech Sound Screen (BiSSS) Revised and expanded edition: Pakistani Heritage Languages: Mirpuri, Punjabi, and Urdu

Carol Stow, Sean Pert

Research output: Other contributionpeer-review


BiSSS is an assessment of speech for young children with suspected speech disorder. The assessment comprises of a comprehensive manual, colour picture book, recording and analysis form, and consonants correct analysis form. These are all in PDF format and the forms may be photocopied for clinical or research use. We have taken the opportunity to update the recording forms and expand the manual. The data included in the assessment were collected in the early 2000s and it should be noted that community language patterns for the Pakistani heritage population in the UK may have changed in the intervening years.

This assessment was originally published in 2006 and is now out of print with the copyright reverting to the authors. As there are no other similar assessments the authors have decided to make it available here for a donation to their chosen charity. All proceeds will be donated to the LGBT Foundation Trans Programme.
Original languageEnglish
TypeBilingual Speech Sound Screen (BiSSS)
Media of outputPDF book
PublisherUniversity of Manchester
Number of pages57
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2020


  • Bilingual, Speech sound disorder, Mirpuri, Punjabi, Urdu, Pakistani Heritage Languages


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