Biocatalytic Oxidation in Continuous Flow for the Generation of Carbohydrate Dialdehydes

Sebastian Cronin Cosgrove, Ashley P. Mattey, Michel Riese, Michael R. Chapman, William R. Birmingham, A. John Blacker, Nikil Kapur, Nicholas J Turner, Sabine L. Flitsch

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Galactose Oxidase (GOase) has been used for the scalable selective C-6’ oxidation of lactose, a waste material from the dairy industry. Generation of the 6’-oxo lactose was achieved with full conversion in batch mode at mg scale, but further scale-up to gram quantities proved challenging because of requirements for high enzyme concentrations and limitation in oxygen co-substrate availability. To overcome these issues, a continuous flow system was developed for the bio-oxidation of lactose yielding multi gram quantities of product. Using the variant GOase F2, terminal selective oxidations were also observed on a range of oligoglucosides such as maltose. The carbohydrate dialdehydes that were obtained by this highly selective oxidation were chemically further functionalized establishing the biooxidation as a route to valorise cheap carbohydrates, including waste materials, for building blocks of polymers.
Original languageEnglish
JournalACS Catalysis
Early online date15 Nov 2019
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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