Blueprint for a Brain Health Clinic to Detect and Manage Early-Stage Cognitive Decline: A Consensus Exercise

Leroi Iracema, Peel Charlotte, Davenport Rebecca, Dunne Ross, Ebenezer Louise, Gopakumar Mahesh, Krishnaswami Vachagan, Lumsden Jane, Martin Helen, Price Jane, Williamson Wilby

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Background: It is possible that about 30% of all dementia is preventable by addressing many of the modifiable health and lifestyle risks important for overall physical health. Currently, people in the pre-dementia or very early dementia stage who are referred to Memory Assessment Services (MAS) in the UK receive minimal, if any, support and/or intervention. They are typically referred back to primary care until the full syndrome of dementia emerges. This represents a lost opportunity to modify the trajectory of the condition, intervene with disease modifying therapies (DMTs) when available, and delay the onset of a full dementia syndrome.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Neurodegenerative Disorders
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 5 Mar 2020


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