Bone marrow- and adipose-derived stem cells show expression of myelin mRNAs and proteins.

Cristina Mantovani, Daljeet Mahay, Mahay Kingham, Giorgio Terenghi, Susan G Shawcross, Mikael Wiberg

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    AIMS: PNS myelin is formed by Schwann cells (SCs). In this study, we applied an in vitro model to study myelin formation, using bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells and adipose-derived stem cells differentiated into SC-like cells and co-cultured with dissociated adult dorsal root ganglia neurons. METHODS: Immunocytochemistry, reverse transcription-PCR and western blotting techniques were used to investigate the expression of myelin proteins at both the transcriptional and translational level. RESULTS: Transcripts for protein zero, peripheral myelin protein 22 and myelin basic protein were detected in differentiated stem cells following co-culture with neuronal cells. Furthermore, protein zero, peripheral myelin protein 22 and myelin basic proteins were recognized in the co-cultures. These results were consistent with immunostaining of myelin proteins and with observation by electron microscopy. CONCLUSION: Both types of adult stems cells differentiated into SC-like cells have potential to myelinate neuronal cells during regeneration, being functionally identical to SCs of the PNS.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)403-410
    Number of pages7
    JournalRegenerative Medicine
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - May 2010


    • Adipose
    • Mesenchymal
    • Myelin
    • Stem cells


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