Book Launch | Dimitri Van Den Meerssche's The World Bank's Lawyers

Gail Lythgoe (Producer)

Research output: Non-textual formDigital or Visual Products


On Wednesday 16 November, the ESIL Interest Groups on History of Intentional Law and International Organisations and Völkerrechtsblog, hosted a book launch for The World Bank’s Lawyers by Dr. Dimitri van den Meerssche (Queen Mary University London).

In addition to hearing from the author, discussants included Negar Mansouri (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies), Dr Gail Lythgoe (University of Manchester), Dr. Tommaso Soave (Central European University) and Dr. Ahmed Memon (Cardiff School of Law and Politics).
Florenz Volkaert (Ghent University) moderated.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Nov 2022


  • international law
  • global governance
  • The World Bank


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