Brief Report: Which came first? Exploring crossmodal temporal order judgements and their relationship with sensory reactivity in autism and neurotypicals

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Previous studies have indicated that visual-auditory temporal acuity is reduced in children with autism spectrum conditions (ASC) in comparison to neurotypicals. In the present study we investigated temporal acuity for all possible bimodal pairings of visual, tactile and auditory information in adults with ASC (n= 18) and a matched control group (n= 18). No group differences in temporal acuity for crossmodal stimuli were observed, suggesting that this may be typical in adults with ASC. However, visual-tactile temporal acuity and bias towards vision when presented with visual-auditory information were both predictors of self-reported sensory reactivity. This suggests that reduced multisensory temporal acuity and/or attention towards vision may contribute to atypical sensory reactivity.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Early online date4 Oct 2016
Publication statusPublished - 2016


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