Can We Predict Male Strobili Production in Araucaria angustifolia Trees with Dendrometric and Morphometric Attributes?

Laryssa Demétrio, André Felipe Hess, Alex Nascimento de Sousa, Emanuel Arnoni Costa, Veraldo Liesenberg, Maurício Jean Freisleben, Marcos Benedito Schimalski, César Augusto Guimarães Finger, Noé dos Santos Ananias Hofiço, Polyanna da Conceição Bispo

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Knowledge of the formation and correlation of reproductive structures with dendro/morphometric variables of the Araucaria angustifolia tree species is a tool for its conservation and viability for sustainable forest management. We counted visually in araucaria trees the number of male strobili in RGB images acquired by Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAs) over forest remnants. The diameter at the breast height (d), total height (h), crown radii (cr), crown base height (cbh), periodic annual increment in d based on increment rolls were measured, and the morphometric indices and crown efficiency were calculated with these variables. The relationships of these variables with male strobili production were analyzed by Pearson’s correlation and multivariate analysis techniques (cluster, factorial analysis, and main components). The morphometric variables correlated with the production of male strobili were d (r = 0.58, p-0.0002), crown diameter (r = 0.62, p < 0.0001), crown area (r = 0.62, p < 0.0001), coverage index (r = 0.51, p-0.001) and slenderness (r = −0.39, p-0.01). We argue that the production of male strobili is related to the vitality, dimension, density, growth space, and position in the stratum of the tree inside the forest, inferring a relationship between reproductive structures with the shape, size, growth space, and tree density. Such aspects shall be considered in future forest management initiatives in Southern Brazil.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2074
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 6 Dec 2022


  • Brazilian pine
  • forest ecosystem
  • mixed ombrophilous forest
  • silvicultural interventions
  • strobilus


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