CAR-Net: Unsupervised Co-Attention Guided Registration Network for Joint Registration and Structure Learning

Xiang Chen, Yan Xia, Nishant Ravikumar, Alejandro F Frangi

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Image registration is a fundamental building block for various applications in medical image analysis. To better explore the correlation between the fixed and moving images and improve registration performance, we propose a novel deep learning network, Co-Attention guided Registration Network (CAR-Net). CAR-Net employs a co-attention block to learn a new representation of the inputs, which drives the registration of the fixed and moving images. Experiments on UK Biobank cardiac cine-magnetic resonance image data demonstrate that CAR-Net obtains higher registration accuracy and smoother deformation fields than state-of-the-art unsupervised registration methods, while achieving comparable or better registration performance than corresponding weakly-supervised variants. In addition, our approach can provide critical structural information of the input fixed and moving images simultaneously in a completely unsupervised manner.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jun 2021


  • eess.IV
  • cs.CV


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