Characteristics of Nano-plastics in Bottled Drinking Water

Yihe Huang, Ka Ki Wong, Wei Li, Haoran Zhao, Tianming Wang, Sorin Stanescu, Stephen Boult, B E van Dongen, Paul Mativenga, Lin Li

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Plastic pollution in water is threatening the environment and human health. Previous relevant studies mainly focus on macro and micro plastic pollutions and their characteristics. Little is known about the extent and characteristics of nano-scale plastics in our drinking water systems, mainly due to difficulties in their isolation and analysis. These nano-plastics may pose higher risk to human health than micro-plastics. Here we report the collection and analysis of organic nanoparticles from commercial bottled water of two brands. Novel nano-plastic particle imaging and molecular structure analysis techniques have been applied. The findings show the existence of organic nanoparticles of 0.6 mg/L concentration (84% particle around 433 nm and16% around 66 nm in size) from bottled water. A likely source has been identified to be the degradation of plastic water bottles. Based on this finding, the average intake of nano-plastics per person in Europe could be well over the health hazard threshold.
Original languageEnglish
Article number127404
JournalJournal of Hazardous Materials
Early online date30 Sept 2021
Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2022


  • Environment
  • Health
  • Nano
  • Plastic
  • Pollution
  • Water


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