Characteristics of Reversed Propagations Generated using Time Reversal Mirrors and Instantaneous Time Mirrors in Electromagnetics

Crystal Wu, Nuno Miguel Nobre, Emmanuel Fort, Graham Riley, Fumie Costen

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The possibility of Instantaneous Time Mirror is explored in electromagnetic waves through the manipulation of a medium’s complex relative permittivity, causing a sudden disruption to the waves’ speed. The quality of the reversed foci obtained through Instantaneous Time Mirror and its classical alternative, Time Reversal Mirror, is reported in both air and water. We show how careful setup of both techniques can produce similar results. We adopt a visually-guided qualitative metric, but also quantitative metrics to describe accuracy and resolution, including a newly-proposed method to assess the multi-dimensional resolution of a focus.
Original languageEnglish
JournalURSI Radio Science Letters
Publication statusPublished - 2020


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