Characterization of Short Tandem Repeats from Thirty-One Human Telomeres

Marjorie Rosenberg, Lester Hui, Junli Ma, Harris C. Nusbaum, Kevin Clark, Louise Robinson, Laura Dziadzio, Pamela M. Swain, Tim Keith, Thomas J. Hudson, Leslie G Biesecker, Jonathan Flint

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Completion of genetic and physical maps requires markers from the ends (telomeres) of every human chromosome. We have searched for short tandem repeats (microsatellites) in cosmid and P1 clones and generated 661 sequence-tagged sites (STS) from the terminal 300 kb of 31 human chromosome ends. PCR assays were successfully designed for 58 microsatellites and mapped both genetically and on radiation hybrids (RHs) to confirm their telomeric location. Sequence analysis revealed marked variation in sequence composition, consistent with the hypothesis that even very highly GC-rich chromosome bands (the T bands) are not homogenous. The STSs that we have generated will be a necessary resource for the construction of physical maps of these complex regions of the genome.

[Information about the microsatellites is available electronically at and sequence has been deposited in the Genome Database (GDB).]
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)917-923
Number of pages7
JournalGenome research
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 1997


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