Characterizing the shape and material properties of hidden targets from magnetic induction data

Paul D Ledger, William R.B. Lionheart

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    The aim of this paper is to show that, for the eddy current model, the leading order term for the perturbation in the magnetic field, due to the presence of a small conducting magnetic inclusion, can be expressed in terms of a symmetric rank 2 polarization tensor. This tensor contains information about the shape and material properties of the object and is independent of position. We apply a recently derived asymptotic formula for the perturbed magnetic field, due to the presence of a conducting inclusion, which is expressed in terms of a new class of rank 4 polarization tensors (Ammari, H., Chen, J., Chen, Z., Garnier, J. & Volkov, D. (2014) Target detection and characterization from electromagnetic induction data. J. Math. Pures Appl., 101, 54–75.) and show that their result can be written in an alternative form involving a symmetric rank 2 tensor involving 6 instead of 81 complex components in an orthonormal coordinate frame. For objects with rotational and mirror symmetries we show that the number of coef- ficients is still smaller. We include numerical examples to demonstrate that the new polarization tensors can be accurately computed by solving a vector-valued transmission problem by hp-finite elements and include examples to illustrate the agreement between the asymptotic formula describing the perturbed fields and the numerical predictions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1776-1798
    JournalI M A Journal of Applied Mathematics
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Jun 2015


    • polarization tensors; asymptotic expansions; eddy currents; hp-finite elements; metal detec- tors; land mine detection.


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