Colloidal ternary systems: A thermodynamic and kinetic study.

Rose E. Keepax, Nick D. Bryan

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    Humic acid is believed to be responsible for the environmental transport of radionuclides. Various humic acid solns. (aldrich, peat, aquatic, natural) and Eu(NO3)3 (contg. 152Eu) were left to equilibrate (1-21 days, I=0.01 - 1M) in a variety of expts., e.g.: (i) prior to desorption onto a cation exchange resin (25 and 60-C);. (ii) adsorbing at I=0.01 - 1, desorbing at I=1; (iii) desorption onto TiO2 in order to generate a natural ternary system. While the desorption rate of 152Eu from humic acid is unaltered by different conditions, the fraction of metal assocd. with the \"strong\" binding sites is affected by temp. and equilibration time; more 152Eu appears in these fractions at higher ionic strengths. The desorption step appears to be ionic strength dependent whereas adsorption is not. TiO2 seems to provide good binding sites for both 152Eu and possibly 152Eu - Humic complexes. [on SciFinder (R)]
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAbstracts of Papers, 225th ACS National Meeting, New Orleans, LA, United States, March 23-27, 2003
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2003


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