Comparison of prostate delineation on multimodality imaging for MR-guided radiotherapy

Angela U. Pathmanathan, Helen A. McNair, Maria A. Schmidt, Douglas H. Brand, Louise Delacroix, Cynthia Eccles, Alexandra Gordon, Trina Herbert, Nicholas J. van As, Robert A. Huddart, Alison C. Tree

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


With increasing incorporation of MRI in radiotherapy, we investigate two MRI sequences for prostate delineation in radiographer-led image guidance.

Five therapeutic radiographers contoured the prostate individually on CT, T2 weighted (T2W) and T2* weighted (T2*W) imaging for 10 patients. Contours were analysed with Monaco ADMIRE (research v. 2.0) to assess interobserver variability and accuracy by comparison with a gold standard clinician contour. Observers recorded time taken for contouring and scored image quality and confidence in contouring.

There is good agreement when comparing radiographer contours to the gold-standard for all three imaging types with Dice similarity co-efficient 0.91–0.94, Cohen’s κ 0.85–0.91, Hausdorff distance 4.6–7.6 mm and mean distance between contours 0.9–1.2 mm. In addition, there is good concordance between radiographers across all imaging modalities. Both T2W and T2*W MRI show reduced interobserver variability and improved accuracy compared to CT, this was statistically significant for T2*W imaging compared to CT across all four comparison metrics. Comparing MRI sequences reveals significantly reduced interobserver variability and significantly improved accuracy on T2*W compared to T2W MRI for DSC and Cohen’s κ. Both MRI sequences scored significantly higher compared to CT for image quality and confidence in contouring, particularly T2*W. This was also reflected in the shorter time for contouring, measuring 15.4, 9.6 and 9.8 min for CT, T2W and T2*W MRI respectively.


Therapeutic radiographer prostate contours are more accurate, show less interobserver variability and are more confidently and quickly outlined on MRI compared to CT, particularly using T2*W MRI.
Original languageEnglish
JournalBritish Journal of Radiology
Issue number1096
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019

Research Beacons, Institutes and Platforms

  • Manchester Cancer Research Centre


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