Component 4 Final Report: The GRaBS Assessment Tool

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


Building on research originally carried out in the Centre for Urban and Regional Ecology (CURE) at The University of Manchester (UoM) a major aim of the GRaBS project has been to develop an innovative, cost effective and user friendly risk and vulnerability assessment tool, to aid the strategic planning of climate change adaptation responses in towns, cities and regions across Europe. The main aim of this document is to report on all aspects of the development and implementation of the GRaBS Assessment Tool (the Tool) and is divided in to six sections. We firstly introduce the GRaBS project and the rationale for developing the Tool followed by an explanation of what the Tool can do, but also what it cannot do in section 2. We explain how it can be used to support the development of Adaptation Action Plans (AAPs) through the concept of a storyline and section 4 looks at lessons learned for adaptation action planning more broadly.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationUniversity of Manchester
PublisherUniversity of Manchester, Centre of Urban and Regional Ecology
Number of pages138
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2011


  • Climate Change Adapation, Decision Support Tool, Green and Blue Space Planning


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