Computing on rays: A parallel approach for surface mesh modeling from multi-material volumetric data

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Ray representation (Ray-rep) of a solid has been studied and used in the solid modeling community for many years because of its compactness and simplicity. This paper presents a parallel approach for mesh surface modeling from multi-material volume data using an extended Ray-rep as an intermediate, where every homogeneous region is enclosed by a set of two-manifold surface meshes on the resultant model. The approach consists of three major algorithms: firstly, an algorithm is developed to convert the given multi-material volumetric data into a Ray-rep for heterogeneous solid; secondly, filtering algorithm is exploited to process the rays of heterogeneous solid in parallel; and lastly, the adaptive mesh surfaces are generated from the Ray-rep through a dual-contouring like algorithm. Here the intermediate surfaces between two constituent materials can be directly extracted without building the volumetric mesh, and the manifold topology is preserved on each surface patch. Furthermore, general offset surface can be easily computed in this paradigm by designing a special parallel operator for the rays.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)660-671
Number of pages12
JournalComputers in Industry
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2011


  • Heterogeneous models
  • Implicit representation
  • Parallel algorithm
  • Surface mesh


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