Computing Stokes flows in periodic channels via rational approximation

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Rational approximation has proven to be a powerful method for solving two-dimensional (2D) fluid problems. At small Reynolds numbers, 2D Stokes flows can be represented by two analytic functions, known as Goursat functions. Xue, Waters and Trefethen [SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 46 (2024), pp. A1214-A1234] recently introduced the LARS algorithm (Lightning-AAA Rational Stokes) for computing 2D Stokes flows in general domains by approximating the Goursat functions using rational functions. In this paper, we introduce a new algorithm for computing 2D Stokes flows in periodic channels using trigonometric rational functions, with poles placed via the AAA-LS algorithm [Costa and Trefethen, European Congr. Math., 2023] in a conformal map of the domain boundary. We apply the algorithm to Poiseuille and Couette problems between various periodic channel geometries, where solutions are computed to at least 6-digit accuracy in less than 1 second. The applicability of the algorithm is highlighted in the computation of the dynamics of fluid particles in unsteady Couette flows.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jul 2024


  • physics.flu-dyn
  • cs.NA
  • math.NA
  • 41A20, 65N35, 76D07


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