title = "Confronting Ambiguity: Reading the Intersection of Racial and Sexual Marginalization in Rex vs Singh and Seeking Single White Male",
abstract = "This qualitative study of two Canadian films examines how filmmakers and artists explore racial and sexual marginalization and repression in Canada through an in-depth analysis of the films{\textquoteright} visual, textual, and sonic elements. Rex vs Singh (Greyson et al., 2008) and Seeking Single White Male (Shraya, 2010), using diverse cinematic devices and self-enacting performances, address different intersecting modes of racial and sexual marginalization against South Asian immigrants in historical and contemporary Canada. Using Louis Althusser{\textquoteright}s concepts of Repressive State Apparatuses (RSAs) and Ideological State Apparatuses (ISAs) as a key framework, we identify “ambiguity” as a critical space to explore and examine the operation of the state policy (RSAs) in the early 20th century, and workings of the invisible ideology (white normativity) through enlisting their subjects to internalize the norm (ISAs) at present. This discussion is followed by an evaluation of how filmmakers and artists mobilize their “differential consciousness” (Chela Sandoval) to confront these ambiguities as mobile tactics that complement the ongoing race and gender liberation movements. Rather than providing definitive results or solutions, this research aids understanding of the continuing struggles of racialized sexual minorities in Canada—a country that has constitutionalized multiculturalism in 1971—in light of Canada{\textquoteright}s 150th celebration (2017).",
keywords = "queer, gender and sexuality, film, ethnic studies, ambiguity",
author = "Yilong Liu and Soyang Park",
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year = "2019",
doi = "10.29333/ejecs/139",
language = "English",
volume = "6",
pages = "1--14",
journal = "Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies",
issn = "2149-1291",
publisher = "International Cultural Research Center",
number = "1",