Contourite-like deposits suggest stronger-than-Present circulation in the Plio-Pleistocene Red Sea

Neil Mitchell, Marco Ligi, Jonas Preine, Diederik Liebrand, Moamen Ali, Alessandro Decarlis

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Red Sea Deep Water is presently slow-moving, but was this true of the earlier Plio-Pleistocene (PP)? In seismic reflection records, the PP deposits are distorted by halokinetic deformation of their underlying Miocene evaporites. However, if reflections are flattened to a prominent reflector representing the top of the Miocene, they reveal mounded deposits within the earlier PP along both sides of the sea. Off Egypt, a plastered drift occurs along a salt wall. In the central Red Sea, they are mounded drifts. Seismic reflections from these deposits change shape gradually upwards to the modern seabed, which is commonly flatter, suggesting a gradual change in depositional conditions. To explain their origins, we appeal to other evidence. DSDP cores from the Late Pleistocene contain the rigid aragonite cements formed by restricted conditions, but not the lower and middle PP. Furthermore, mid-PP sedimentary δ18O values are similar to global ocean δ18O for that time, not enhanced as expected from excess evaporation. These data suggest that there was a greater exchange of Red Sea waters with the Indian Ocean during the mid-PP. That exchange may have allowed waters densified by evaporation in shallow regions of the northern Red Sea to flow south vigorously (the mounds would then be contourites). Alternatively, as the Pliocene seabed was shallower, wind-driven eddies may have affected more of the water column. Overall, the results indicate for the first time that deep circulation was stronger in the earlier PP compared with the present day. That circulation needs to be considered when evaluating organism dispersions across the Red Sea, regional climate, and influence of Red Sea Outflow Water on Indian Ocean Intermediate Water.
Original languageEnglish
Article number104527
JournalGlobal and Planetary Change
Early online date23 Jul 2024
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2024


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